Kamis, 23 April 2015

Jathilan: Performing Arts Presents the Stories History

What is jathilan? Viewed from the original history, comes from the phrase jathilan Javanese "jaranne jan-thil Thilan tenan(true)," which if translated into engglish be "horse dance really irregular." Irregular can be seen from gerakan.dan current obsession (true history of jathilan).
jantilan composed of "Buto" "jaranan" and the dancers supporters. everyone wear a makeup with the role of each.

Motion Dance Jathilan 

At first appear graceful dancer in moving the body, but as time went on, the dancers become possessed by spirits, which are possessed by this condition in the Java language is often said to be the term "ndadi" or in English 'trance'. Because possessed, then the dancers jatilan hardly aware of what he was doing. Tariannyapun started irregular movement, in this condition jathilan said it illustrated, jan jaranne Thil-Thilan tenant (horse really jig irregular).

The existence of the handler  (PAWANG)

In one show, but the dancers are thinking about a certain amount depending on the story you want to talk, then there are other performances instruments, namely the gamelan, the makeup, and that you should not miss is the existence of "handler," ie someone who has a role and responsibility to control the course of the show and heal the dancers who possessed. When "ndadi" aka possessed, the dancers jathilan able to perform any movement of dangerous attraction that can not be digested by the human mind, for example, eat the leaves, eating flowers, even chew glass (broken glass). Sometimes also fought using swords and then slashed sleeves, this attraction is actually not showcase the superiority but as gembaran that nonmilitary also have the power to fight against the Dutch troops.

Ritual handler jathilan 

In the ritual, either before or during the show, also provided similar offerings with any present intention to present. This can be interpreted as the image of man in order to remain "manembah was surrendering." Therefore, this offering is the symbol of surrender to God to salvation remains abundant, both the actors jathilan ataupunmasyarakat dance around, as well as the audience. Sajen provided on the show is one tangkep jathilan including plantains, several kinds of traditional snacks such as traditional foods, cone Robyong decorated with cabbage leaves, an assortment of flowers, various types of beverages (coffee, tea, water), incense, incense (incense China), ingkung (chicken bekakak), sega golong (bulleted rice), and so forth. This type of course offerings are not the same from one region to another.

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